My new/old project bike


New Member
Nov 19, 2008
Just outside of fairbanks ak
Ok so I do have a bike its a old kx80, my dad picked it up about 6years ago. Now heres the problem... It has a 4poke motor in it, a xr75 :o But at the time I was just happy to ride so I rode it till it blew and its been sitting in the yard since and been using it for parts. So now I'm looking for a 88-90 kx80 engine (or what ever else 2stroke I can fit in there :D ) So I'll try to keep this upadated but if your ever wondering just click on the link in my sig.
Here is the bike




Here is what I did today




Sorry the pics look like sh*t..
ya thats a cool little bike. i love messing with bikes, when you have everything off of them, you see how simple they really are. you could easily update the body work, you should build some gnarly trail bike. update the forks, find some newer kx 100 shocks, bodywork, and a kx 100 motor. that would be a fun little bike. good luck man.