I guess I'm probably the only one knowledgeable with this kind of stuff probably, but has anybody tried RC Plane monokote or ultracoat with plastic? :-/ I actually build RC Planes in some of my spare time and had some scrap pieces around. I've been contemplating adding some red or red combo stripes to my Blaster to promote the red/blue/silver theme I'm going with now since I have the 450R shock installed, and while I was looking through a few threads on Krylon Fusion(good stuff by the way), the thought came into my head about RC Plane film covering. It's actually easy to cut, design shapes from, and a lot easier than taping and painting(IMO)........AND......a BIG AND.......it's resistant to being hurt by fuel. It is a thin film with an epoxy backing that is heated on to a surface. Probably a dumb question and I'll just have to try it sometime though. :-[
And just because I saw this while looking for the vid....what the hell. I:I
And just because I saw this while looking for the vid....what the hell. I:I
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