Money orders


I'm not winning.
Nov 19, 2009
How maney people on here buy items from other members with money orders?I never used one before and don't know how safe it is to use one.Any and all info will help in buying from other members.Thank you.
personally i would never send a money order to buy something......its just grounds for getting f ucked.......if they dont want to get paypal then i guess they dont want to sell whatever they are selling
PayPal FTW
It's so safe i have had nothing but good experiences with it. and these are sending and receiving alot of money £600+ and a few small sums.

And there customer service is great

PayPal FTW
paypal is awesome, i know what you thgink right, that you fon't want to put your credit card on a thing on the internet, but itrs safe, just make sure you know who your ordering from so they don't screw you over.
i dont have a credit card, debit carb, checkin account nothing.. lol i have no papaer trail!! hahahaha

i bought apipe off a member on here with a money order.. thats all i can do so if you f*ckers dont want my money than I love you to!!! lol!!!

i just sold my dirt bike motors to a guy in new york.. had the pay pal go threw a friedns account... never again to much f*ckin around
If you do a money order use a postal money order. They can be cashed at any post office. Easy to walk in cash and mail item.

Paypal is much easier, I did find on this forum alot of younger members who do not have credit cards, bank accounts. ETC. So thats why they do not have paypal. Understandable.
I have bought things using a money order but there is a risk like anything else. It really all depends on what kind of feedback the seller has or if he or she is a good member of the forum. If you have any questions about the member you are buying from just start a post and ask around about them. There is a risk at everything you buy over the internet. Even pay pal isn't 100% scam proof. Just b/c you file a dispute doen't meen you are going to get your money back. If you can't afford the risk don't take it.
i have bought things off of here, lots of things.....all except one have been with paypal( my dads account).....but anyway, the only way i would use a money order is if i was buying from someone on here who is trustable or has good record(feedback)....people like mr. 305, blasterfreek, 4cfed, people like that
hell id hope people on here wouldnt turn down a money order from me..

If I was selling something I wouldn't turn down any type of payment from anyone on here, but there is no way i would ever ship out anything till what ever form of payment cleared my bank. I've had ppl send me fake money orders, personal check that were no good, I even had one guy try to send me cash threw fed-ex with a tracking number and got shreded up paper. Non of these transactions were from this website, but there are some real sorry ass ppl out there.
If I was selling something I wouldn't turn down any type of payment from anyone on here, but there is no way i would ever ship out anything till what ever form of payment cleared my bank. I've had ppl send me fake money orders, personal check that were no good, I even had one guy try to send me cash threw fed-ex with a tracking number and got shreded up paper. Non of these transactions were from this website, but there are some real sorry ass ppl out there.

i hear ya... gotta then 'scam money orders before to' i try to buy from known good sellers... was nice when 'the ox' was still into blasters and parting them out, i made two trips to his house to get stuff bought alot of cool stuff for agood CASH price, douglas wheels with almost new hole shots, jaws bumper, fenders, cables, brakes.. hell i prob had a good 10-15 parts from him!!

iv always does kwik trip money orders/ wallmart.. or banks..

sad part is if i still had a blaster it would be fully done by now and there prob would have been 20 money orders sent out from me. its hard now a days cos everyone is out to make a buck legel or not..... i trust very few people but i would still but from most members on here
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Im looking to buy a pipe of of 98blaster+4.With a money order.I am some what new on here and don't people to well and I never paid for somthing with a money order or bout from a privet seller online before.Do you think I should go for it and buy the pipe with a money order?