Mods: Payed for a membership


Feb 20, 2009
I paypaled $$ for a memebership for liljatownboy
It has not showed up as supporter under his screen name. Can someone try to fix it or contact the person who can. I hit the donation button, in paypal message box I stated who the membership was for. My paypal starts with paullew

Got a bunch of work to do now, no time to pm people to fix this. Hopefully someone can pull the strings and get it done.
cbaber told me to send him a pm with the paypal transaction id # as well as the members name and then he'd take care of it
Having trouble sending him a pm. My comp is glitching. Not sure if I got through or not
Can someone pass this on to him paypal transaction 45V501984G944635V

Membership is for liljatownboy
wait i got adopted twice now what do i do i sent the money in. fioz600r contacted me and sent the money? so do i get adopted by both of yall. thanks paullew and fioz600r
my transaction to Blaster fourm is 57670903757936818 that from fioz600r is one af yall gonna get a refund or do i have two adoptees and why arent i green yet

Trying to figure out why. Take the second one and pass it to someone else.