i had my engine setup for for a stroker with aggressive trail port and polish. as soon as i got my engine back and installed i left the country for almost a year. i come back and started trying to jet my engine after break in process and something didnt seem right. i did a compression test and my engine was 180 185 on the compression test. im not sure how many times suppose to kick it over but i would do it until the compression gauge wouldnt go any higher. so i contacted my builder and told him about it, and he had me check the squish and send the head to him and he re did the head free of charge. i got my head back six weeks later on monday, i went to mount my head and noticed some metal slivers, when i say slivers, i mean long and thin slvers of metal. i put a magnet to them and it would not pic them up. the builder says its from me when i stored during the time i sent my head off but i know for sure it was not from me. then he said it could be from the crank touching a lil inside the cases. can someone give me their 2 cents on this please?