metal slivers in new build

Mar 22, 2009
homeland GA
i had my engine setup for for a stroker with aggressive trail port and polish. as soon as i got my engine back and installed i left the country for almost a year. i come back and started trying to jet my engine after break in process and something didnt seem right. i did a compression test and my engine was 180 185 on the compression test. im not sure how many times suppose to kick it over but i would do it until the compression gauge wouldnt go any higher. so i contacted my builder and told him about it, and he had me check the squish and send the head to him and he re did the head free of charge. i got my head back six weeks later on monday, i went to mount my head and noticed some metal slivers, when i say slivers, i mean long and thin slvers of metal. i put a magnet to them and it would not pic them up. the builder says its from me when i stored during the time i sent my head off but i know for sure it was not from me. then he said it could be from the crank touching a lil inside the cases. can someone give me their 2 cents on this please?
the compression now is 145, seems kinda low i would think. he told me it was 2 cc's off, was milled for 22cc's when suppose to 24cc's. this quad has become a serious money pit.
Who built the motor? 145 doesn't sound low to me. When you say there was slivers in the head, we're they still attached? How did you get them out?
time to pull that top end off and look to see if the crank is hitting inside the cases, right where the cases come together, front and back of the connecting rod.
did the builder assemble this crank/bottom end or you ?
6 weeks turnaround to do a head re-mod ?

not sure who did this work, but i know who you didn't send it too !
wildcard built the engine. i mounted the head down and crunk up the blaster. it sounded a lil noisy around the jug, i was thinkin that maybe the piston was hitting the head gasket. so i took it back off and i noticed a couple of slivers in the crown of the head i think its called. so then i looked inside the cyllinder and noticed there were a few more on the walls of the cylinder and on top of the piston
I would take pictures and send it to wild card. I'm sorry this happened to you, but it's things like this that I don't want to deal with. That's why KOR does all my work.
yes awk i keep kicking myself in the ass because i didnt send it to ken and have it done right!!!! go ahead awk kick me in the ass too. i dont have to split the cases? i can just pull the top end off and have a look? i thought that the reason there was slivers was because i road it a lil bit at high compression.
well i called my builder but he pretty much insisted its not his fault though. he said its also from when i did the squish test, my rossin sodder left metal inside the engine, i dont think so. no way dude that lil soft clean peice of sodder wire left that much metal
time to tear that whole motor down, if there's metal shards in the head and cylinder, chances are good they are everywhere, including the crank and rod bearings . it's not going to last long like that :o

btw...145 psi, is only like 10/15 psi. more than a stock engine after a rebuild, most builders aim for 165 psi. with a head mod, as thats generally the cutoff between 93 octane and race fuel.

sounds like you got hosed X(
@ wifesblaster yes ur right, this has been a hasstle eversince i started having engine work with them. i dont wanna talk bad about them but 6 weeks for turn around on head mod?! thats BS! i asked him if he put in new crank bearings and he said yes, and then like one minute later he asked who installed my stroker and if it even had a stroker.....
The best thing you can do is take pictures and post them. Is the cylinder scored? How does the head look now. It's a lot easier to give advice that way.
man this is such BS..... man i spent well over 1000 usd with them to do all the work i wanted and now its like this. yes i thought 145 was low for a head mod!
man i dont wanna sue, i just want my sheet right. good thing my compression was to high or i would have never knew there is metal in my topend. but i just dont understand how he could have f'd up my head mod from the start, he had the entire engine. oh well it is what it is :(
No sense in crying over spilled milk. If it didn't tear up the cylinder your good to go. Take your head and cylinder off. Inspect them. Then take a flashlight and look around the crank. See if any metal shavings made it down there.
I'm interested in seeing the shavings, that will tell much of the story. Since none were magnetic, you know it came from the cases. I'm wondering if it's from machining of if something is scraping inside.
man id be on the phone threating to shove a law suit down his throat if they dident pay to have somebody else do it (KEN) for instance