Mating Aftermarket Carb to Stock Airbox Tube


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
New Jersey
Most aftermarket carbs have a larger intake diameter than a stock carb making it difficult to stretch the stock airbox tube over it. Many times, the tube will split during installation allowing the potential for unfiltered air to enter the engine.

To fix this, first remove the carb and airbox tube from the engine/frame. Next place the carb end of the airbox tube in some very hot (not boiling) water for a few minutes. This softenes the rubber. Once the rubber is soft, carefully stretch it over the intake side of the new carb. It you have trouble keeping it on there you can clamp or zip-tie it in place. Once its on all the way and seated properly, set the entire assembly aside and allow to cool completely. Once it cools, the rubber should remain at the larger diameter making future removal and reinstalls a breeze.

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Reactions: Awk08
thats good info, have some reps to turn that rep box green !!!!!!