Chassis | Suspension | Controls:
A-Arms: Stock, painted black bottom a-arms, and 93' stock silver upper a-arms.
Swing Arm: Stock length, black pearl flake paint job.
Steering Stem: Stock
Stabilizer: None
Axle : Stock
Carrier: Stock with Zerk fitting for adding grease to the swing arm bearings
Locknut: Stock
Hubs F|R: Stock front hubs with black paint | Rear hubs are off of an 87 banshee.
Bars: Pro taper 7/8 bar painted yellow.
Throttle/Clutch Lever: Motion Pro twist throttle |New stock clutch lever and new clutch cable.
Grips: Pro Taper stage 3 black half waffle grips new
Nerfs: None not a fan of them
Bumper: AC front grab bar
Grab Bar: A stock but new grab bar
Front Shocks: Stock yellow shocks
Rear Shock: Stock yellow shock
Brake Lines: Brand new front break cables
Rotors F|R: Stock 02 hubs/rotors
Rims F|R: Front rims are regular aluminum. Rear rims are from 95' and are aluminum as well.
Tires F|R: The front tires are 19-7-10 Holeshot MXR4's tires with 80% tread left. Rear tires are turf tamers new in 95' with 90% tread left
Frame: Custom painted 2002 sun yellow frame
Plastic: Gloss yellow plastic front and back fenders. The tank and hood are also repainted black.
Graphics|Seat Cover: Stickers are AMA, Boyesen, FOX, Maxxis, Metal Mulisha, Moose Racing, Motion Pro, Renthal, Rockstar, Vortex, VP, UNI, Wiseco.
Number Backgrounds: #51
Hand guards: None
Bar Pad: Rockstar energy bar pad an 09-10
Fuel Tank: Standard capacity with a shiny new Tusk gas cap.
Engine|Drive System:
Cylinder|Head: Stock as far as I know PSI is at 127
Bore & Stroke: 66mm with 57mm standard stroke.
Displacement: 195cc
Reeds: Boyesen Pro Series Reeds
Carburetor: Kehin OKO 30 MM carb with 50 Pilot and 148 AB main jet
Air Filter|Box: UNI stage II POD filter
Pipe|Silencer: Toomey B1.
Clutch|Plates: DP clutches
Gearing F|R: Stock gearing
CDI | Killswitch: Pro Armor tether kill switch.
Cooling: Air Cooled with the help of 93 octane premium mixed with Amsoil Dominator at 32:1