little crash


New Member
Feb 20, 2008
bensalem PA..
haha it sux when your brakes fail from the master cylinder going bad at like 25mph and clipping a tree haha .. i didn't get that hurt just hurt my arm and my rib but other then that i am good ...
glad your not hurtin that helmet? When you are testing a machine of any kind: like when you install or remove something, take extra pre-caution when it comes to safety
glad your not hurtin that helmet? When you are testing a machine of any kind: like when you install or remove something, take extra pre-caution when it comes to safety

yeah i am always going to throw it on now evan when i am going to do some thing small.
lol your lucky your alright now your blaster is all bent up wtf

yeah i no lol .. but its only the bumper and the upper a-arm and i am good to go.. i am just going to bend back the bumper a little bit and the a-arm i have 1 on the way for it ... and i got to find a master cylinder too lol ..
Time for that new bumper you've had your eye on :)

haha yeah ill get some thing new when i get some extra cash lol .. but for now i am goign to leav it the way it is just to show a blaster can take a beating and come out with little damage haha =))..