Light not working


OK, so I got a new voltage regulator from someone on here a while back, put that in, and a brand new light bulb. Quad runs great, but no light. It's not even blowing out the filament.

Where should I start checking?? Is there any way I can check the voltage regulator with a multi-meter?? I've been running the quad without the voltage meter on there for a while....just had no lights. Is it needed for anything other than the headlight?
the reg is just for the lights.....check all your wires for the light and make sure you got good conections and goo grounds
You can use a multimeter to check the voltage at the headlight, it'll register as AC. If your voltage regulator is good, it should stay around 12 or maybe a volt or 2 over. I would agree with yb, check all your wires and grounds too, you could test your lighting coil as well.
Ok, I'll double check all of the wires, that is pretty logical. I was wondering if there was anything else that it might be.

What is the 'lighting coil?' Is there a separate stator for the lights vs. the ignition??

I'll check for AC at the bulb, but my guess is there is none. Then I guess I can check right at the connection on the voltage regulator? That is strange though, there is only one wire on the regulator that goes anywhere, the other one is to ground. Maybe I'll double check that ground too. Any other places that the lighting system is grounded? Thanx for the help! I haven't been able to ride far from the house at night in a long time!
The lighting coil is on the stator, if you check out that repair manual in the General support section, it describes how to check the coils on the stator.

There is another ground at the ignition coil under the seat, you can check it, but it wouldn't even run if that ground wasn't connected good.

The one wire going to the voltage regulator is all it needs, it grounds out the excess voltage through the body of the voltage regulator if you still have a stock one. Hope this info can help you some...good luck.
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