knives and the like

Jul 4, 2009
caledonia mn
who here is obsessed w ith knives and sharp stuff lol, I AM if u are just admit it and post what u got
i have
a 12 inch tanto blade
3 throwing knives
homemade throwing stars outof utility razors and ductape (sweetas hell)
a medical utility knife 7 inch blade
hunting knife and sheath 6 incher
my always pcketed palm width knife forgot what kind
many misolanious little stuff
a ballisong (butterfly knife)
got my homade railroad spike knives hehe
and a double edge baddle axe with a spear in the middle
a shield the has a blade
a hooker knife i gave my gf the knife is called a hooker knife cuz there 2 inches long with a sheath with a leather band that ties around the thigh
and finally my set of japanese swords
ALL SHARP as hell and usable,
i like sharp and am always lookin for more lol
you're like some kind of american ninja or edward scissor hands
22 inch long.
This is a great thread idea! lol I've been getting into knives and stuff a lot lately just because I think their cool as hell. Currently I have about 4 Leatherman multi-tools (which I use daily at work), various small pocket knives and a larger hunting knife. I can take some pics if anybody is interested. I've been also looking into picking up a Buck knife if I can find one that I want.
i just got random crap knifes but i use them.. ill have to get pics of my baby!!

pocket knife style.. red anodized alum handle, with a black blade.. half double sided..

than i gotta cheapo knife i bought at agas station that looks good, black handle with a titainum coulored blade
I guess you could say I have an obsession as well. I have prob 10 to 15 in my collection. I wanna get a set of Samurai swords real bad. I want a matching triple set with the stand.