Kicker ISSUES?


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Ok...I was putting some more of my motor together. I had the kicker side cover off to put my oil block off kit in. I put my kicker gear on and put the side cover on. The kicker wouldnt move. So I took the cover off and checked everything and the kicker moved. Put the cover back on tightened it and it wouldnt move. So me and my bro in-law put the cover on and held it with just our hands. Under just hand pressure it worked. Put the bolts back in and it wont move. Im at a loss and dont know what else could be wrong with it.

Sorry for the long post but im frustrated as hell and wanna give as much info as possible.

Any questions comments or suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

i bet that pain in the ass spring keeps popping out on ya, when u put the cover on

I thought that was the prob. But when we took the cover off all 5 times everything was where it was supposed to be. Im seriously at a loss right now.

We made sure everything was in its proper place and seated in place as well.
then the only thing i can think of is that you got the spring turned around from where it is supposed to be, the back side of the cover has recess in it for allignment as well as the case
i did this my self make sure the little white peice that is around the rod betweeen the spring is seated properly theres a little grove that it sits in