My kick starter sticks bad. I can kick it once then it just wont return. I pulled iff my clutch cover and everything is in its place. Both springs, the gear is all the way a against crankcase... Is the spring wore out or something?
There is a white collar on the gear. Make sure that is lined up with the notch and seated all the way. Was the spring still in the whole when you took it off? Try putting the gear oil on the kick starter seal. As far as I know the springs don't go bad. I could be wrong though.
Spring is in the hole, notch is in the notch, everythin6 is where it should be. I have taken my clutch cover off many times and always put my kick start gear back on correctly. It sat for a month, started it, clutch needed adjusted, took the cover off, spring popped out, put it back and it sticks.
Check the other side of the spring.You say the spring is in the notch but what about the opposite side of the spring where is that hooked to..... Make sure the spring is on going the right direction. Kind of like how a tire has an arrow to show you what direction is the proper way for it to spin.
There is a notch that it fits in to. We ran into this exact problem with the collar. It wasn't in the notch seated correctly, therefore binding up the gear and not letting it return. You will see the notch.