Kawasaki KE100 info needed


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
I just bought a KE 100 about three weeks ago its a little enduro bike made by kawasaki thats all I know. Its a 2001 model the last year the were made but I only paid $110 for it. Does anyone have any info on these like flaws, were they good bikes, and anthing else usefuI:Il would be appreciated...
Yea looks to be quite alright but I'm having problems with the carb right now. I'm about to order a new one it's set up long enough that I open the bowl and a white powder poured out. cleaned it as best as possible and it will run as long as I have my hand choked over the intake side. Not enough fuel or to much air. I tried adjusting the air screw still nothing a new carb is $160 so not to bad. I just put new gaskets on the head and checked for leaks nothing so all I know is buy the carb.
The gas has crystallized from sittin in there too too long.
Most likely all the passages are clogged. Regular carb cleaner won't reach in there. You can get smoking pipe cleaners from CVS, Rite aid, ect.
Run those through any air/gas, jets, on your carb and try it again.
Well I got the carb good as new I used battery acid everything is clean all holes are unclogged. Anyone know the info on the carb like the air screw or needle jet factory position.