So I got an engine off of ebay. I bolted it in, hooked the exhaust up, and the carb. We didnt have the gas tank on so we put gas down the sparkplug hole. The engine fired. But thats not the problem. the problem came later we we put the tank on. And while i was riding around, I was going to shift into second but i accidentaly went into neutral. so i went to down shift the engine, and the shifter peddle fell offthe kickstart fell off too at the same time). then the engine started to scream, i pulled the cap off the plug, because that was the only killswitch at the time. but it kept on going. I turned the fuel off and it still kept going. so i had to wait till the engine died out. But my question is why did it keep going after i pulled the cap off the plug. Im taking a guess but i think it was the gear for the kickstarter inside the crankcase.