jetting question


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
North Carolina
Just put my Shearer pipe on, vforce 3 valve, 30mm OKO (pwk) carb. I was wondering if anyone can help me with the jetting. I was thinking 140 for the main jet but I could be wrong. Anyone have a set up like this? Any idea on what the slow jet should be also?
jeting is a hit or miss i would start a 50 145 put a new plug in it start it let it warm up rev it if hangs up in rpm your are to lean on the low jet go up to a 55 and try it again you want about a 2 second delay to come back to idel. for the high jet run it out get it on the pipe if it starts boggen and popen your to rich go to a lower jet try a 140 if it seems to run fine pull the plug it should be light brown if it is white it is to lien if it is black and wet it is to rich i tryed 9 times be for i got mine tuned in the higher the jet the richer the lower the leiner