you must be hearing that on other, 4 stroke based, websites.
the only thing you'll hear on this site is......
jet kits are a waste of money, and supply you with all the jets they could not sale to anyone else, instead of the ones you actually need.
the stock carb can be jetted for those mods you have listed, but it really isn't recommended for a 240 stoked/ported engine
you'll be way ahead of the game to jump to at least a 32mm carb, with 34/35/36mm's being most popular for that engine combo. and you'll get the most accurate jetting help/info when you make that switch.
when you decide exactly what engine work, pipe and carb combo listed up, someone will get you in the ball park on jetting.
until then head into the engine/carb section on here and read as much of the carb tuning info as possible.
in the end ...only plug chops will tell you if your main jetting is correct.