its been awhile


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
well im getting back into the riding game again with quads , i recently bought a 2003 blaster all stock runs for 500$ i thought i did well so im going to take some pics soon and start messing with ,its kinda weird i went from a blaster to a banshee to blaster to full size trucks and dune buggys back to a blaster lol btw i already had a profile i just forgot the password to it
thats whats i said and i might be getting another blaster today trading for my shifter kart its way too stupid fast to ride(NOT KIDDING 40s in 1st gear and its a 6 speed) so mys well trade it for something i can use
Thats a deal for that bike. Yea you will be glad you got one with the hydro brakes!

you i know wat you meen a few of my blasters had the cables and are a PITA to get working good ,my first blaster was a 06 ,i still regret getting rid of it just to go bigger and faster on a ltz400 witch i ended up spending more money and less time riding and few banshees after that