Illiteracy in Louisiana ?


Feb 20, 2009
Illiteracy in Louisiana ? . . . (don't even try to top this)!

How would you pronounce this child's name?

She spells her name . . . . . "Le-a"

So . . . how would YOU pronounce her name?

Leah? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO .
Lee - A? . . . . . . . . . . . NOPE .
Lay - a? . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT A CHANCE .
Lei?,,,,,,,,,, NICE TRY . . . BUT . . . GUESS AGAIN!

This child attends a school in Livingston Parish, LA . . Her mother is irate because everyone is getting her name wrong . She says it's pronounced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ledasha" .
When the Mother was asked how in the world did she figured it should be pronounced that way . she said. . ."cause the dash don't be silent!"

So, if you see a name come across your desk like this please remember to pronounce the dash .

And if anyone axe you why, tell them it's 'cause the dash don't be silent!

Someone . . . pleeeeze, pleeeze tell me dis don't be true! Surely, someone be's jokin' wiff us?!?!\

They live among us, they vote, they dominate the welfare rolls, they contribute what? . . . . . God help us . And they breed . .
lol this is funny but your last comment was pretty fu**ed up because most people in this state live in poverty. not just in urban areas but mostly rual areas and public education here is a joke for lack of a better word. i know people like this and yes sometimes its sad to see but when you're born into f'ed-up situations and there is nobody there to guide you in the right direction you're pretty much doomed from the start. and as far as the welfare thing goes, instead of helping people find jobs its just easier for the state to say here ya go some money every month. and not all people take advantage of welfare and foodstamp programs and its not just a certain race of people who does it either. i know people who worked at the headlight plant making $25-$30 an hour with my mom who used to complain about their tax dollars goin to welfare. but now since it has shut down most of those same folks caint live with out welfare and a foodstamp card. So in this instance yea the name is funny but if you havent grown up in or around this kind of life, and dont know what its like to be piss poor down in the heart of a poor ass state where its still really racially chared then you probly shouldent make comments like that.

im sorry for the rant and i know everyone is intitled to the own opinion and i value that very much. but i just felt as if i need to defend people in my state. And no im not offended just seemed like i needed to say that.
Most of the time it is the governments fault! But it is a world wide problem, rather get the education in order they will give out more money and yes it is a short term fix, but it is not going to feed the masses. Is South Africa we got the same thing the only twist is the "powers to be" live in luxury and the people who elected them lives with about $6 dollars a day if they can get a job. Why cant the get a job? Because the schools don't teach them any skills. Get the education right and it is half way there