Ignition Problems


New Member
Aug 4, 2012
Both wires to m ignition are broke off. Will it still start? I don't know how this ignition thing works... So, there are no wires to my ignition. They are both broke.
ignition ???
as in the keyswitch ??
it's the only part of the "ignition system" with 2 wires connected.
if so, it is uneeded, unhooking the wires actually allow it to run, it is a normally closed switch in the off position, allowing the black/white wire to be grounded to the black wire, connecting them kills the ignition.
breaking that connection, either with the key on or the wires diconnected, allows it to run.

tape them off seperately to prevent contact to each other or the frame/ground
No it wont start.... Its the same as turning off the key

Depending where they are, you have two options:

1) Try to reconnect the wire to the ignition

2) Just strip off the end of the wires, twist them together and make them stick... Heat shrink, soldier gun... Just not take by itself.... Maybe you could even use hot glue, just make sure the wires say put....


The wires actuall should be left apart if it's the 2 wires going to the key switch anyways. Mine stay unplugged since i have to get my key back from my buddy's work shop!

It's fine to be unplugged here and actually twisting the circuit closed by splicing would make the blaster not start!

Just leave them unplugged and separate and do what Awk said tape them off or somthing!