idleing issues


New Member
Sep 28, 2008
New Hampshire
i looked around the site and i found a few posts about my issue but i trouble shooted and still have problems. i kick it over starts right up but after a minute it just revs almost full throttle. i checked for leaks at the jug and head found nothing. tried setting idle screw didnt effect it. checekd my throttle cable and it looked fine, i dont even have to touch the throttle for it to start reving. anyone have any ideas??
the other day i was ridin and knew i was runnin low on fuel but when i stopped a for a second it started to rev a bit higher and then as soon as i put the fuel to reserve it went back down to normal idle? idk if this was a coincidence but check your fuel? :S
your gettin a lean condition somewhere, you really need to do a leak down test if you can, this will show the location of the air leak...the jug/head aren't the only places air can find its way to the cylinder, check your carb boot, the reed cage mating surfaces, your crank seals...oh and are you premixing or using the injection? if the motor is getting excessively hot then you'll start leaning out the fuel mixture naturally...
i took off the throttle cable and its junk the begining of the cable is all frayed im gonna replace it. also when i turned the handlebars or backe it up it would rev high..