Idle Kit Installation Instructions Blaster/Banshee


New Member
Aug 11, 2012
Glasgow Scotland
Hey thought this might help a few people, doing mine tonight looks as tho it should be hassle free!!
Here is some step by step pics also from start to finish takes roughly 20-30 minutes
just finished!




Some people will prefer to use a grinder but i used the old fashioned way(A file)

Give the finished edge a rub with some sand paper to take the ruff edge off


Unless you have a very steady hand i would fix the carb in a vice when drilling
and remember to put a rag through the carb to stop any bits of metal getting in to the carb


Ready for tap

clean the carb thoroughly to remove any metal shavings, And your done

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nice post stevie, add step by step pics of you actually doing it and i'll sticky this DIY
is there any problems if you don't install this? apart from the fact quad won't idle.

Not as far as i know mate but who wants a quad that don't idle, what you going to do if your doing heat cycles? sit there for 20mins at a time tickling the throttle!! not my ideal way to spend time!!!

Not as far as i know mate but who wants a quad that don't idle, what you going to do if your doing heat cycles? sit there for 20mins at a time tickling the throttle!! not my ideal way to spend time!!!


IMO...the throttle should be blipped during heat cycles, varying the rpms, not just left to idle as some would have you think.
5+ minutes is plenty enuf time to come up to full operating temps

and if the bike won't idle, it's going to be doing alot of stalling out on the track or trails
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IMO...the throttle should be blipped during heat cycles, varying the rpms, not just left to idle as some would have you think.
5+ minutes is plenty enuf time to come up to full operating temps

and if the bike won't idle, it's going to be doing alot of stalling out on the track or trails

Thanks for that man i read some place you had to do heat cycles for 20 mins at a time before you even ride the quad to break it in! thanks for clearing that one up

Ye i would hate a bike/quad that would not idle

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good stuff stevie, i see this asked about quite a bit,
have some reps, and this is now stickied !!!!
It is possible to get an idle by adjusting the length of the throttle cable.

There is a drawack however the revs tend to increase a little on turning the handlebars to full lock.

yeah man when i bought my tors removal kit i never knew about the idle screw at the time and i haven't got one installed. i don't mind it not idling but just wondering if it would cause any damage etc from not idling.
i did file it down flat i am going to take the carb off again and give it a rebuild and check this again soon so maybe i missed something and will find it this time
does this eliminate the idle adjustment that on the throttle body you know that dime sized screw then cause where he drilled and tapped that... on my carb thats just a threaded hole that goes nowhere
does this eliminate the idle adjustment that on the throttle body you know that dime sized screw then cause where he drilled and tapped that... on my carb thats just a threaded hole that goes nowhere

yes, eliminates the idle screw on the tors box.
an idle screw gets added to that blocked off hole, it needs drilled thru, is not threaded, at least correctly, and needs the angled tip files flat
most idle screw kits linclude the drill/tap needed.

idle screw kit:
Yamaha Blaster Idle Screw Kit w Tap Drill Bit 88 06 | eBay

full tors eliminator kit:
Blaster Tors Eliminator Kit w Idle Screw Kit 88 2006 | eBay
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