I wanna blow it up!!


May 24, 2010
X( it starts bu cuts off if i dont give it throttle it will bog off! all i did was take the carb off to check the jets put it back together and now this !! what could it be please help !!!(for my blastys sake lol )
sounds like a combination of a couple possibilties, could be dirt in the carb, twisted cable...slide might not be in correctly, take it aprt again, clean it and put it toegther the right way...
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k guys just before i go ripping it apart trying to get it to work ! i took a vid ! ill get a better one in 10mins as i ran out of fuel hal way threw lol well all i can say is watever its dooing its made it about twice as fast i mean it has to be putting pure fuel threw atm its faster then my buddys which has a fmf fatty and power core two! i mean way faster but i know its doing bad to the engine so i only drove for about 30.... btw its taking in way to much air all you can hear is the filter sucking!!! listen to the power lol. >>> seconds!
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take ur slide back out and make sure all the notches line up and that it drops the hole way down then twist the cap and ur done
so its not idleing and if u dont warm it up from now on b4 u go crazy on the throatle then ur gana have more problems then that cough cough cold seize
ya i know man ! any susgestions?wheres the idiling screw? is it the on you can see on top of the tors when you take the seat off?