I need help


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
spotsylvania virginia
so i was racing yesterday at carolina adventure world and half way through 2nd gear it just shut off wouldnt restart so pulled the plug out put a new one in started and rode for about 1 hour then same thang again but the plug still has plenty of spark wont start on kicking but if i get pulled and pop start it will run for about a minute i have a boost bottle on it and where it attaches to the carbureator joint (boot) there is a hole right in the side of the boot is that the problem or so i have other probs thanx for the help
so i was racing yesterday at carolina adventure world and half way through 2nd gear it just shut off wouldnt restart so pulled the plug out put a new one in started and rode for about 1 hour then same thang again but the plug still has plenty of spark wont start on kicking but if i get pulled and pop start it will run for about a minute i have a boost bottle on it and where it attaches to the carbureator joint (boot) there is a hole right in the side of the boot is that the problem or so i have other probs thanx for the help

First things first, check the compression. Then we'll go from there
better check the compression with a gauge... and then ditch the boost bottle and get a new intake boot. air leaks=death for 2 strokes
what colors your plug?? like they all have said if u got a hole in your boot u are ganna be damb lucky if u didnt melt a hole in the pistion. check your compression to see if u still have compression.
what colors your plug?? like they all have said if u got a hole in your boot u are ganna be damb lucky if u didnt melt a hole in the pistion. check your compression to see if u still have compression.

do you no what the compression is suppose to be? and the plug was a little black still had some spark i would say 1 to every 3 of a new plug
checking compression is good but if the boost bottle boot has a hole in it allowing too much air to be drawn in then yes that very well could be your problem as it would throw the fuel/air mixture off and make it run lean.