i just got ripped


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
alright.... i went to my local motorsports dealer to get my bike jetted... i know it's easy and it it doesnt take much but this is my first time so i decided to take it to my local motersports... well one day i went there to just see how much it cost's and found out that is costed 20-30 bucks.. ok thats not bad i thought until today when i took it there the guy calls me and says...well the total cost will be 200 dollars... i say no way and hang up telling him ill talk to him tomorrow... well i'll be taking a trip down to the shop tomorrow and i'll be taking my madness with me... wow i hate that place now!! god i cant beleive they ripped me off that bad! so im venting my anger here and i ant to hear your opinion's..
damn man, what shop did you go to? you coulda came down and i woulda done it for like 5 bucks then we coulda went riding afterwards lol
if they quoted you 20-30 bucks than thats what they have to stick to.... only way i can see it being that much is new needle/ pilot jet and main and tuning??? but damn

yeah man thats what pisses me off... there exaxct words the day before.... me,how much will jetting a blaster cost for me? them,ahh it's a blaster so around 25 bucks,me ok thanks man! them in the next few days after i take it in, the total cost for the jetting will be 190-200$ me what? seriously? me,thats absurd..ill talk to u tomorrow
wow go raise some hell dude that redicoulus....i know i cant spell

tell me about it!! my dad and i are going there tomorrow,and my dad being a hardass doesnt put up with sh*t! i cant wait to see what he has to say! the sad thing is the owner is one of his good freinds
i'd ask them to take it for a test ride before paying, get it warmed up, throw $40 at them and ride it like you stole it the hell outta there
i'd ask them to take it for a test ride before paying, get it warmed up, throw $40 at them and ride it like you stole it the hell outta there

haha i guarantee they put like a 250 main in there or somethin considering they all work on dirtbikes...... the prob is i gotta cross highways,a little part of a river and bla bla bla..ill plan a plan! lol
i told em a 290 would do just fine but they never listen... they probabaly did just fine it just worries me. im gonna go talk to the owner and tell him he quoted me 30 bucks and charged me 200
Maybe it was a pain to jet or something. But it is still too much, shops are peices of sh*t. Like 99 percent of people that work there dont know anything, but they wont admit it. The guy you asked probly didnt know what jetting was, its the mechanic that stated how many hours he worked on it, not the guy at the fron desk, so dont go in there yelling at him. This is between you, the mechanic and the owner.