I cant Ride My Bike With No HandleBars No HandleBars


New Member
Feb 11, 2010
LOL Its so Quiet here the past few days ! Im so board waiting on my handlebars to come in so i can go riding again :D Got the 97 Running good just workin on some new rear tires. My Blasty looks sad jus sittin here doin nothing. Like a dog in a cage :(

Got me a decent set or bars with a nice Blue renthol pad that i hate lol Ill trade for a nice yeller one if anyone has :D Also bought me a set of clamps from my man YB and gonna go get the bolts to make my bars a lil taller. This should be nice for the trails.. Also Did away with that god awful headlight and bracket, gonna do the wallie light set up :) hoping the wife will let me go get the lights tonight woohoo I:I
Here are the bars i picked up. Cost me 25 Bucks lol I hate spending money :D


I want A yellow pad and yellow grips but blue is gonna have to work for now I guess lol
lookin good man.......
thats a mess of wires lol

I KNOW RIGHT ! What the hell was the guy before me thinking ! lol He has like 4 ground wires just hanging lol bolted there. Im gonna take em all off and clean that crap up I guess the Tors box needs to come out as well. I got some nice butt splicers and some black tape will fix that right up :D
Yea its not a good feeling. My wife has tomorrow till Monday off and I cant go ride :( Kinda depressing since its like 60* outside ! lol There already shipped Commin from Main so Im hoping and praying i get them Saturday :D
i know the feeling, i've been having a hell of a time with my clutch and stuff, hoping that its all figured out now though
to hell with being side lined!! go get astraight pipe of pipe, bolt it on, throw the levers on and grips and ride!! lol... i got the same bars i think. i gave the bar pad to the guy i got it from for his g/f.. damnit
I have the one off my old bars its Fly Racing IDK looks like its off a 20inch bike or somthin lol I found a nice Fox one on ebay and some super comfy grips in black and yellow :) Hopefully these ebay items make me lots of money so i can spend it I:I
One good thing I can say about this things being painted flat black is if u clean it up a lil bit and spray the scratched areas you can hardly tell :D After rolling down that hill i had alot more scratches and the purple was tring to work its way back out from the dead lol Couple sprays from the old Krylon 360 flat black and she's good as new I:I