LOL Its so Quiet here the past few days ! Im so board waiting on my handlebars to come in so i can go riding again
Got the 97 Running good just workin on some new rear tires. My Blasty looks sad jus sittin here doin nothing. Like a dog in a cage 
Got me a decent set or bars with a nice Blue renthol pad that i hate lol Ill trade for a nice yeller one if anyone has
Also bought me a set of clamps from my man YB and gonna go get the bolts to make my bars a lil taller. This should be nice for the trails.. Also Did away with that god awful headlight and bracket, gonna do the wallie light set up
hoping the wife will let me go get the lights tonight woohoo I:I

Got me a decent set or bars with a nice Blue renthol pad that i hate lol Ill trade for a nice yeller one if anyone has