I am removing the tors on my 2001 blaster

Nov 16, 2019
I am removing the tors system on my 2001 Yamaha blaster. What exactly do I have to do beside get the tap out kit and idle screw for it. Do I have to do anything to the stator or will it affect my spark. Just don't want to end up messing anything up on my blaster. Thank you.
I am removing the tors system on my 2001 Yamaha blaster. What exactly do I have to do beside get the tap out kit and idle screw for it. Do I have to do anything to the stator or will it affect my spark. Just don't want to end up messing anything up on my blaster. Thank you.

Nope. Just make sure you grind the part of the carburetor flat that you're tapping, otherwise you're going to have a significant air leak and/or fuel leak.


Also, I found it helpful to leave your stock connectors in place, snip the wires past the connectors, make a loop with those cheap clamp connectors you get at Autozone for splicing your radio and hide the wires somewhere.

Good luck and let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you later in the year going to get a keihin pwk 28mm carb
What all is done to your Blaster that you want a bigger carb?

Also do I still all the way through or stop up to a certain point.
Go in far enough that you know you got all the excess material out. Just don't go so far that the bit touches the other side of the carb. I'd highly advise removing the slide and having the carb off. If you can drill and tap it in a vise, that would be your best bet for a good, clean tap/drill.
I am getting a bigger carb because of the fmf gold series dg silencer vented airbox port and polish vforce 4 Reeds, and wiseco prolite piston and thank you
I am getting a bigger carb because of the fmf gold series dg silencer vented airbox port and polish vforce 4 Reeds, and wiseco prolite piston and thank you
I am getting a bigger carb because of the fmf gold series dg silencer vented airbox port and polish vforce 4 Reeds, and wiseco prolite piston and thank you
You could probably get away with just running bigger jets in the stock VM26
I got a 280 main in the carb. was wanting a little bit more air flow. Would a new 28mm carb make a difference? I am also planning on getting a milled head soon. Just got done ripping the blaster around btw:cool:
I got a 280 main in the carb. was wanting a little bit more air flow. Would a new 28mm carb make a difference? I am also planning on getting a milled head soon. Just got done ripping the blaster around btw:cool:
On a stock blaster imo stock carb is good.biger isn't always better on carbs.you loose velocity.i wouldn't mill the head. Get it rechambered .its cheap ! Stock combustion chamber is not really that good of a design.cheap power