

Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
well, recently here in northern indiana and in chicago area( i beleive) there have been these wierd wires held flat across the road with a box on the end, there are 2 that are spaced like 2 ft apart, i was always trying to figure out what they are but never could till now, they are a new type of speed trap, they figure out ur speed by tioming how fast u go from one wire to the next, then it uses sattelites and crap and somhow gets ur plate # if ur speeding, hehe, just thought i'd post becaus eit was kinda interesting
that to count how many cars pass by at what times taking a survey if they need to widen that road
could be bt the news sid somthing about it being a speed trap thing, that there were somebeing put in the city and stuff, idk, they are just randomly placed, i'll get a pic of the one right outside the school tomorrow
it is just a counting machine watch they will probably start repaving the road soon. they set those up around here to see how much traffic is on a road
yup...its for counting cars that use that road. to see if a new traffic pattern is needed or if the road needs widened. I used to have a friend that worked for the state highway admin. and he told me about them...

I dont think they could tell what speed a car is going if 2 cars cross at one time. Who would they issue the ticket to?
and not all cars have the same length so how would it be the speed?

its most likely just first contact, so say your front tires only pic it up. computers these days can be made to be smart.

and its probably not speed anyway, like everyone said its just too see how much traffics going through.
someone on chitownracing was talkin about this... obd2? obd3? cars computer can be picked up by them, which contains your vehicle info.. take a01?? or newer car over it 20 mph over the speed limit and see if you get a ticket in the mail in a week or 2

but most are counters, for readin traffic