How to Race?


New Member
May 27, 2009
I:Ii was just wondering about racing and i might get into it but i just wanted to know what kind of stuff i need and how to get sponsors and whatever else you guys can think of
depends on the racing.... if you can truly ride good it wil be easy.. but as for sponcers you better be making it to big events and racing.. and winning..

i cant help ya much more than that but i cant tell you this...

arms bent legs bent, dont lock your arms when you ride and dont lock your legs... and FOCUS and be dedicated
yeah really ive been into racing but things are falling aaoart but i just got the new 450 to race but honestly its great to go out with your family have a good time and for your first couple of times just go out and watch thats the best thing to do then go to the local track and do a couple of practices
Its not just about lining up and taking off you have to know what your doing. First off your gonna have to change your suspension that is a complete must, if you dont your stamina will suffer dramatically. You dont need all the power in the world as much as you need consistancy, you have to stay consistant!!! You cant just go out there and run your hardest on the first or second lap then be worn out the rest of the race. You need to also stay confident, just because your going out there with the littlest quad doesnt mean you cant beat them all so dont let that get you down. You need to put hours and hours of practice under your belt also. I would recommend cross country racing if you have a choice it has a little bit of everything in it. Good luck! Can i get a rep point if this helped you out please? Thanks, oh yeah if you need anything else just private message me.