how to flush heater core??


Rippin' Hard
Jul 22, 2012
dickinson ND
how can i flush a heater core?? i replaced it with a new one, but the new one is not as thick as the old, and it honestly sucks at heating my truck barely works.

ive read u can use a pressure washer but i dont have one, also the old core has been sitting and has the crap in it that was plugging it up has dried and air will blow through it now but i would like to clean it really good and re-install the old one.
Buy a 2-litre of Coke, and let it dissolve all the crusty's out. Just make sure you wash it very thourghly after. We use Coke on old Fire Hydrant seats that don't want to come loose. You don't ever want to drink it again after you see what it does to stuff!
was the old heater core blocked inside keeping the coolant from flowing or on the outside blocking air from blowing thru ?

you didn't flush the entire system while you had the old heater core out ?
if not, chances are the gunk that blocked your old core is now blocking the new one ?
while the old/blocked heater core is out, use a piece of 1/2" copper pipe to connect the 2 heater hoses and follow the directions on the bottle .....

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the inside was blocked not allowing coolant to flow

and yeah i realized after that i should have flushed all of it.... ill do that this time after getting the core cleaned out, and after herpderps blaster is out of the basement
Good Call Awk! I was assuming that Gizzy Flushed the entire system out and just needed the dried up antifreeze/rust crusties dissolved out of the old core.

Sorry if I confused you Giz.
Yeah flush it good. Also bleed/purge the system.You can also change your thermostat to help with your heating actually anytime you got gunk in there or change rad or core or pump u should change your thermostat..
is there a tight seal around the heater core? you said it was smaller, sounds like it doesnt seal properly and not allowing the air from the blower motor to go thru the core and just around it
Has stop leak been added. I bought a truck from a kid one time and he had put so much stop leak in it that water would barely flow anywhere.
is there a tight seal around the heater core? you said it was smaller, sounds like it doesnt seal properly and not allowing the air from the blower motor to go thru the core and just around it

i took that apart and weatherstripped around it because that was one problem

no as far as i know there has not been leak-stop in

and i did install a new thermostat also because the old one was broke

i have coke in the heater core right now, and i have the flush stuff to run through it tomorrow, no time to do it today anymore after my trip to town and work in an hour
ok, i left it while i was at work for 3 hours... dumped it out and when i was rinsing it out with water if i shook it black chunks were falling out, and i could hear them rattling around in there so i filled it up again hopefully to break them down more
you could have been air locked too, some cars have a bleeder valve on top of the thermostat housing, you have to warm the engine, and crack the bleeder open to let out the air, some cars you have to run with the radiator cap off and heater on high until its fully warm, you will see the air coming up thru the antifreeze if you watch