how long does it take to get the hang of a bike?

Outlawed Genetics

New Member
Jul 17, 2008
just got my first bike today and it scares the hell out of me. sad part is it isnt the power that scares me (weak) its just ridig it in general. i've had it 2 hours and i dont mind getting all over it on straits but any turn at any speed gets my heart pounding. i always feel like my front wheel is going to kick out. it doesnt but my head tells me its about to. how long does it take to get used to riding a bike? im not talking motocross riding im talking just riding around the yard and stuff.
idk i guess it would be differnt for everyone furst time i rode a dirt bike i hoped on it and went had no problems but everyones differnt
speed isnt the problem. its not going fast that scares me. i've just never ridden a dirt bike before and im used to just sliding around turns with my quads. every time i turn the bike i feel like my front wheel is going to kick out from under me. also on a dirt bike on pavement is it normal for the bars to wobble back and forth a little when your flying?
i dont blame you man, i was nervous as hell the first time i rode a 2 stroke dirtbike...but honestly i got used to it within a day and was able to ride normal and fast and like a maniac lol
first time i rode a dirt bike it was like second nature plus add the fact that i was drinking so that took that extra sense of "o sh*t im about to fall" away.
its a crf230. kinda slow but i only got it to learn to ride on. when i feel more comfortable on a bike i'll be getting a 2 stroke. probably a yz.
lol, i know that it was irresponsible but you know how it is when you only had like six beers and have a lil buzz goin everything is a great idea. so i just told my cousin to let me see it. so i turned my hat back kicked and was off slicin and dicin and flyin down the road lol
its a crf230. kinda slow but i only got it to learn to ride on. when i feel more comfortable on a bike i'll be getting a 2 stroke. probably a yz.

o i hear ya lol....yz's r the best, ik this probably sounds weird but the yz125 frame is as big as the 250's if uve ever been at a dealer and seen a yz125 nxt 2 any250 there the same size, but when a yz125 is nxt 2 any other 125 its about an inch or 2 higher
lol, i know that it was irresponsible but you know how it is when you only had like six beers and have a lil buzz goin everything is a great idea. so i just told my cousin to let me see it. so i turned my hat back kicked and was off slicin and dicin and flyin down the road lol

LMFAO i do the same sh*t lmao but nvr on my banshee allways on otha ppl's stuff my cousin is Blasters/Banshees and we used 2 do tht on his old blaster lmfaoooooo like 1'0 clock at nite with no head lights LMFAOOOO ik stupid sh*t but W.E ahaha
stop the bars wobbling..... pop the front wheel in the im the opposite of you ive dun most of my time on bikes and trikes, i only had one quad when i was realy young, it was my first machine. ive never owned a sport quad before my blaster. dirtbikes are simple, they do bite though make no mistake.
if i could offer you advice i would say try not to be stiff as a board when riding so you move with the bike, keep your weight right [ youl see what i mean] keep your elbows out and let the bars rock about if they want to but make sure you have controll and are able to hold on to them. use your leg in corners stick it out, it helps me balance and if the front wheel slips you can deflect it with your leg. you have to be fluid with a bike, move with it..................... jesus its hard to explain. basically, go and enjoy your new bike youl get used to it.
In the soft stuff don't freak out and grab a handful of brake or the front could dig and tuck. Instead, stay on the throttle and goose it if you think the front is having trouble. That unloads the front end and lets it regain its footing.

Compared to my usual wheels I suck on dirtbikes. I'll slide around all day on the quads but my sportbike sense tells me that sliding around on two wheels is bad every time it happens.

Just keep practicing and you'll get used to it.
o i hear ya lol....yz's r the best, ik this probably sounds weird but the yz125 frame is as big as the 250's if uve ever been at a dealer and seen a yz125 nxt 2 any250 there the same size, but when a yz125 is nxt 2 any other 125 its about an inch or 2 higher

when i went to the dealer after i got my kx250 the guy said it was a good thing i got the 250 because the 125 shares almost everything with the 250 besides the motor, so that may be the case with the YZs.

when i first got the kx i was scared that the back was going to come out from behind me lol. it also didnt help that the back tire was bald and i was riding in a wet field. but the scarest thing to me was the speed. i went from a xr70 to a KX250 lol a HUGE difference!!
I started out on bikes when i was real young so its second nature to me. It just takes alot of seat time to get good.

I have been off bikes for about 4 years and I've said thats it!! I'm going back.......... YOU ride a bike whereas a quad rides YOU.