i have a question on my 88 yamaha blaster. okay, ive heard many different peope give me many different answers, when i start it and engage the clutch, the shifter clicks as if first gear is ready but when i let off the clutch im still in nuetral so i have to keep trying until it actually goes, and my second and 3rd gear work just fine but my 4th is a different story. 4th gear used to work but would randomly spin freely and act as if it was in nuetral and the last time i was cruisin around in 4th it went to nuetral and now 4th no longer grabs at all. when the quads off, and i shift it into first and try to push it obviuosly it turns over the engine, but it still does it if i pull in the clutch. last summer i rode it after getting it from a family friends shop and i noticed the crank case was dripping and i was running on bearly any oil. please give me advice on what to do. i wanna ride man!