Help blaster wont topout

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Hello all,
I need help. I will start at square one.

I got a blaster and it is a 2000. I have replaced the pulser coil and disconnected tors system. I have spark and fue nowl. After kicking and kicking running and dieing(I may have actually lost a few tools to the neighbors too after the fustration) I have realized one of my four reeds are melded and suxed in rendering the reeds useless. I have replaced reeds today and blaster will idle and even rev to mid range decent. But it will not reach max rpm sounds. It feels like 3\4 trottle or less. I have adjusted the mix screw and get no change god or bad. Carb has been thoughly cleaned and soaked as well.

After reading posts it has a stock main jet and appear scompletely stock. Any ideas??? help
Check your plug to see how well your bike is jetted. The new reeds could effect it, but it sounds like your main jet, because when you give it full throttle the needle lets the gas come up through the main, so either it's too rich or too lean. check your plug, ride it in second gear top it out and then turn it off while still rolling, and when you come to a stop with it dead, check your plug, if its dark and/or oily, then your're too rich, if its white then your too lean and will blow your motor real fast
Day 2

Appears slightly blackish and oily but I can shut fuel off and the bike runs the exact same until the last second and ramps up to where it should be. It is only for 1 second though an actual second. It does have a factory 230 Jet as well. double checked.

I have a kx250 and the bike gets hot to the touch but the blaster feel too hot. I mean 1\4 to 1/2 second burns the tip of my finger (And I have mechinc hands too, Rough tough)
Exhaust is putting out smoke and appears to be working correctly but, I'm going to check exhuast tomorrow, Any one heard of a blaster exhaust getting plugged up or partial blocked?

Anybody have other suggestions?
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i still say it sounds as a jetting problem.. OR you may have a clogged jet.. which.. of coursee NOT GOOD haha.. i say you take your jet out and make sure that its not plugged, also, make sure your needle didn't get bent way out of line or something..

i've never heard about anyone having problem with a clogging exaust.. but you never know...
the stock blaster exhaust has a baffle that tends to brake loose and block the exhaust. take a rubber mallet and tap the exhaust, listen for a rattling sound.
it could be various things jetting sounds like a likely culprate I would clean the filter and change the plug. and do a compresion check and all the fun stuff you already cleaned the carb, sprey dishsoap mixture around and check for leaks in jug gaskets""would not think so but make sure idle screw on thumb throttle is not for somereason in"".......... anyway i just wanted to say I have seen a clogged exhaust, regal81455, his step dad has a nice blaster and i saw the gasket, he said it ran like crap and then it balooned up the clamp between the head pipe and silencer and literally blew up/in half,,, so while I would think this would be a somewhat freak incedent, it was with a stock exhaust and i would not rule that out after seeing that.
blaster is air cooled and would probly be hotter to the touch than your kx which has coolant runnin through the head