HELP!!! 98 Blaster leaking clucth oil


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
I took my engine apart to take out the oil pump and install a block off kit. After I reassembled it filled it with oil and left it sit for the night i came out the next day and there was a lage puddle of oil under it. Its leaking out the clutch side so the right side of the bike when ur sitting on it. i used a new gasket and torqued the bolts evenly to the spec. So i tore it back apart and used red silicone it doesnt harden. it still leaked so then i pulled it back apart and used a hardening silocone and it still leaked. i currently have it apart again and am hoping you guys have some ideas on sealing it up.
thats strange, the clutch cover isn't notorious for not sealing easily, the new gaskets should have been enough alone, but now silicon is failing too ??
gotta be something your missing ?
old gasket stuck on the cover itself ?
warped cover ?? check it with a straight edge or lap it on wet sand paper taped to a piece of glass, wd-40 as the lube
turn the torque wrench up another 5/10 lbs. ???
Sounds like a silly question but did u install the block off plate and gasket? If so did u take out the oil seal for the pump before u put it on n did u tight down the screws for the plate? other then that n what awk said not much else there check for hair line cracks in cover
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