have to keep messing with choke to keep it running...HELP!!


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
ok so my blaster is running pretty damn bad. I put new reeds, and crank seals. Has NO air leak. It held 7PSI for 20 minutes then i took it off. It starts right up with the choke on but i have to keep revving it for it to stay running. then i take the choke off and it will run good WOT for like 20 seconds. then when i hit the throttle it bogs. but if i pull the choke out it will stay running, then eventually it will start to bog then you move it to no choke. If you guys dont understand what going on just ask. I dont know what else to check.
cleaned it sooo many times. it like back fires a little bit when i go WOT. ill post a vid tomorrow if that helps
stock main jet i think its a 230.
yes, the brass washer is under the main jet.
stock pilot jet.
oil injection removed.
needle is on the middle.
and i just recently set the float.
I gave my float that water test (you put it in water to see if it bubbles) and it bubbled a little, but when i shake the float there i cant hear anything.
stock main jet i think its a 230.
yes, the brass washer is under the main jet.
stock pilot jet.
oil injection removed.
needle is on the middle.
and i just recently set the float.
I gave my float that water test (you put it in water to see if it bubbles) and it bubbled a little, but when i shake the float there i cant hear anything.

my guess is that float has a hole/crack ?
i'd replace them
does it piddle gas out the overflow when sitting ?

oil injection nipple on carb blocked off with screw/rtv in the hose or 1/8" vacuum cap ?
nope. it used to leak a lot but now it doesnt at all. Because i adjusted the float.
It just seems like it keeps running out of gas
nope. it used to leak a lot but now it doesnt at all. Because i adjusted the float.
It just seems like it keeps running out of gas

recheck that float height setting, and look for the floats hanging up where the metal tang rubs the cast posts where the pin goes thru.
stock main jet i think its a 230.
yes, the brass washer is under the main jet.
stock pilot jet.
oil injection removed.
needle is on the middle.
and i just recently set the float.
I gave my float that water test (you put it in water to see if it bubbles) and it bubbled a little, but when i shake the float there i cant hear anything.

A combination of cold weather and pre mix at 32:1 could mean you could be running slightly lean expecially nearing WOT.

When you add oil to fuel, the quantity of fuel that passes through the jets is less owing to the oil volume. This will make for a lean mix.

Combine this with a maladjusted or sticky float and an incorrect idle setting, and then presto, there is the problem.
If it were me I would be testing the float in gas not water, because that's the enviroment it's in. Gas will float on top of water, so even if float was full of gas it would still seem to float.
Also the liquid it is immersed in must be at a higher temperature than the float to allow the air in the float to heat and be compressed to issue through the crack if any.