hard to start???


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
hi i have a problem with my rebuilt blaster first it was poping into gear by itself but now i tore it apart and fixed that i have been riding it for a couple days now and the other day i had to down shift quickly and i heard the rear tires grabbing the pavement and skidding a little and then once in first she died this happened before and started up again in a bit now it will not start also before that i had bogged down in a lot of water and i had to shift down into first quickly to get out and regain control can some one please lend me some advice thanks,
For starters always pull in the clutch when shifting down fast, u dont want to compression brake its hard on the engine, especially if ur locking up the tires. As far as the starting issue, it could be alot of things including the water thing. I would start with a compression test, check fuel, spark etc... I have a feeling ur going to find low compression..