

New Member
Apr 22, 2009
little hick town in Ontario, Canada
i put on the handguards from my brother bike on my blaster to see what they would look like. i was thinking about getting some in blue tho. there about $30 and i was wondering what u guys think.

why you worried about what they look like??? it's your bike, if you like them, run them, i have them, and am puttin them on my sons build, they keep the roost off your hands, i ride with alot of bikes, and also mud, water and cold air too, definately worth keeping your hands dry and clean, for better grip, and warmth
Dude I've got thosse on my blaster but in blue, it you go to your local motocross national event you can get them for $25, but its your choice how the look pr how they work
They look good just fix the angle.... Heres mine.... Paid $20 shipped, got them on all my trikes too....


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