Good Games


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
Magic Valley, Idaho
What are some good games for the Nintendo NES? I have Zelda, Bigfoot, Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Tetris, Burgertime, Mickey Mouse, and Wrestling. I am going to get Excitebike. So what are some other good games?
Super Mario Bros is all you need
Contra, tecmo bowl, super dodge ball, Iraq warriors, commando, ten yard fight, 1942, mike tyson punch, Zelda, metriod, excite bike and I can go on I have over 200 of them lol
Contra and super contra for sure.Me and my little one play all the time.And don't gorget up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a,b,a,select,start. lol Thats the cheat code for 30 lives in regular contra and only 10 lives in super contra.I love my original NES.Another of my favorites is Rygar.