Good Deal?

Both look rough, but if price is right sure you could make some mulla back selling parts. If it runs that's a bonus!
I bet he wont take 250 seeing as it's listed for 850. But can't hurt to ask him. If that one blaster runs and is good to go, be worth every piece of 4-5 bills. But some guys don't know what they have!
well thats for both together, im just wanting the 05 for a parts bike for my build. I want it for the leftside case, frame, headlight, and the front hydros. anything else can be sold....

that is if there is hydros, looks like the master is gone.
well see if i even get it. gonna have to come up with some extra $$$ anyway to even attempt to go get it.

hopefully santa claus is good to me this year I:I
The guy just made it a great deal, but i dont have the cash for the pair.

I have 300 and hes asking 500 for both the quads. The 1990 is in boxes, bu everything i there and the 2005 is there and running! time to come up with 200 bucks! If I do get them i will really only be using the 05, so anything else i dont use will be parted out and sold here on the forum.