Ok guys, sorry to just drop in on this thread but I couldn't figure out how to create a new one... I've got an 02 blaster, .40 over no airbox lid, k&n filter, TORS removed, gold series fatty pipe, powercore 2 silencer, 280 main jet 32.1 fuel mix wiesco piston kit. "3 hours on rebuild after proper break in." Ran great, better than it ever had on 2 different rides. Started it on the 3rd time out. started fine, ran good for about 20 min then "POP" backfire did it a couple of times and shut it off. Now... It just won't run...I can't figure it out. removed tors properly, compression test was good, airleak test showed a small leak around the reed cage. its fixed now after a new gasket. The bike will start, and idle. I can gradually increase throttle and it will rev up but is seems slow to come back down with a random backfire every once in a while. Idles rather high too. Kinda like its stuck in mid range with no powerband. Ive ripped apart the top end and carb apart numerous times and everything looks good. Swapped reeds and carbs with another blaster and still no luck. O plug chops come back light brown too. Maybe still a little rich. Could there be something in the bottom end that could cause this? I've read up on the forums for quite a while but this is the first post. Finally got stuck and can't figure this one out. Let me know what you think. Sorry for dumping on this thread...
I would suggest a leak test.
Ok guys, sorry to just drop in on this thread but I couldn't figure out how to create a new one... I've got an 02 blaster, .40 over no airbox lid, k&n filter, TORS removed, gold series fatty pipe, powercore 2 silencer, 280 main jet 32.1 fuel mix wiesco piston kit. "3 hours on rebuild after proper break in." Ran great, better than it ever had on 2 different rides. Started it on the 3rd time out. started fine, ran good for about 20 min then "POP" backfire did it a couple of times and shut it off. Now... It just won't run...I can't figure it out. removed tors properly, compression test was good, airleak test showed a small leak around the reed cage. its fixed now after a new gasket. The bike will start, and idle. I can gradually increase throttle and it will rev up but is seems slow to come back down with a random backfire every once in a while. Idles rather high too. Kinda like its stuck in mid range with no powerband. Ive ripped apart the top end and carb apart numerous times and everything looks good. Swapped reeds and carbs with another blaster and still no luck. O plug chops come back light brown too. Maybe still a little rich. Could there be something in the bottom end that could cause this? I've read up on the forums for quite a while but this is the first post. Finally got stuck and can't figure this one out. Let me know what you think. Sorry for dumping on this thread...
I have tested all the little box on another four wheel and it started. I even tested the kill switch on another quad and it work. what should I test now?