gettin crazy in the mud buggy

88' blaster

New Member
Sep 18, 2010
new castle pa
soo everybody, let the hating begin. i would like to state first off that yes it is a 1994 geo tracker, but ya know haters gonna hate. bought it for 300. had her runnin with in 5 mins. sick ass little off road buggy...


its the green one


^^^^^at the top of the hill from hill climb vid VVVV


chillin in the trails

andddd last but no least my fail donut because i was a dumb ass and forgot to take it out of 4 low

funn ass little mud buggy id i do say so my self
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Looks like a fun little beater. I would pick that up for $300, what did you have to do to it? 4 wheel drive?
I would rock it if I could, a little four wheel drive action in that little thing sounds pretty fun
There is so many aftermarket parts for those, M buddy had one lifted 10" with 38 hogs on and that muther went anywhere! They are fun!