geting rid of the 400 tomarrow


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
yea well friends are geting dirtbikes and think theyll out ride me so i gotta show them whats up, that and i reallly like dirtbikes so i got someone coming to trade his bone stock 05 yz250f with title for my 400ex. his bike is worth 200 more on kbb and its clean so hopefully all is well.
yea true i was hoping that it made like 1 more hp than my friends kx but the dead nuts even damn! lol anyone know anything about these the guys coming today around 4
my friend just picked up a yz250f not to long ago but hes only rode it like 1 time.he is to stuck up his girls ass to do anything so.i can tell you the carb has like 5 or 6 different type of jets in it and the carb is way more complicated then a 2 stroke carb for sure.carb comes apart in like 50 pieces
well i still have the 400. the yz would run right if you pinned it, it just sat their and spit and sputterd
well, that's good man. at least it didn't run right for 30 mins and then fool you after the deal was final. i'd probably get a yz125 or 250 instead.
i wouldnt mind a 125 but people only offer junk and i want something thats of equal value to my 400 i got 3k+ in it