free stuff

i have a complete stock pipe and silencer that you can have its a little dirty but there is no cracks or any thing. just pay shippin and its urs.
ok well idk how do that like pay shipping or handleing but youll help me out i know your good with explaining stuff but ron i really cant thank you for all the help on this site your a good guy
hey ron you think i can send you the money in an envelope just pm me your address and how much it would cost you think to ship the pipe
do not sendmoney in a envelope...

have ron find out howmuch it will cost to ship it to you. than go to your local wallmart, kwik trip, 711, or bank and get a money order, pay to the order or ( sellersname here) and sign as the payee... mail that...

i have bougth and soldstuff off here that way with no problems.. sinc ei dont have paypal
yea thats what i was thinkin ^^..

hey if your not that far from philly, i could meet ya and just give ya the pipe no shipping needed lmk..
and i think thats really far but my friends giving me a new slip on thanks ron tho. and the slip on i had it had a crack but getting that fixed some how and i got a used semi new pro circuit pipe but thanks tho. now all i need to buy are wider swing arms and suspension witch will cost me like 800 bucks gotta get more hours on my job soo might not be on that much
and i think thats really far but my friends giving me a new slip on thanks ron tho. and the slip on i had it had a crack but getting that fixed some how and i got a used semi new pro circuit pipe but thanks tho. now all i need to buy are wider swing arms and suspension witch will cost me like 800 bucks gotta get more hours on my job soo might not be on that much

alright bro that works. yea modding is always fun but is alot of fun but costs alot of loot haha. if your lookin for a good pipe my friend parts out blasters all the time so he gets decent pipes. i think he has a toomey b1 for like 150. but he has cheaper ones from time to time i got a procircut for 100bills. he has alot of other parts, if ya need any thing lmk.
do not sendmoney in a envelope...

have ron find out howmuch it will cost to ship it to you. than go to your local wallmart, kwik trip, 711, or bank and get a money order, pay to the order or ( sellersname here) and sign as the payee... mail that...

i have bougth and soldstuff off here that way with no problems.. sinc ei dont have paypal

Or you can go to the post office get one and mail it all in one step:) had to do that a time or two
see i would buy stuff its just i dont know how to do that bank stuff kuz i dont have paypal and yeah im only 15 and ron i will take your friend on that offer for that 150$ b1 toomy i would love to have that but let me get money