Ok, hop on the blasty and give it a kick.. fires up instantly...
give it gas it bogs down to stop..
feather the gas..quickly striking it and it climbs to a full rev limit..
it smokes badly and starts backfiring... not constantly but every 3-5 seconds.
new 93 gas
good filter
carbs cleaned ( i didnt touch a screw on the carb itself )
re-checked the carb and made sure the slide,needle and everything is correct.
spanking new plug.
what could it be..
if its the air idle screw can someone walk me through a few steps??
any information would be highly appreciated..
thanks in advance...
give it gas it bogs down to stop..
feather the gas..quickly striking it and it climbs to a full rev limit..
it smokes badly and starts backfiring... not constantly but every 3-5 seconds.
new 93 gas
good filter
carbs cleaned ( i didnt touch a screw on the carb itself )
re-checked the carb and made sure the slide,needle and everything is correct.
spanking new plug.
what could it be..
if its the air idle screw can someone walk me through a few steps??
any information would be highly appreciated..
thanks in advance...