ive asked literally everybody on craigslist in missouri if they wanted to trade yesterday...
so far no replies.
this bike was awesome once i was done with it, but the douche i bought it from really f*cked me on it. he had jb weld holding the left case and the clutch cover together.
i didnt trust the guy at all, he also told me it had a wiseco high comp piston in it, i popped the head off to find the original piston.
i was pissed after that, i spent all summer saving up money, in the winter i took the bike out, split the cases, cleaned, and replaced all parts that needed it, the bike is pretty much brand new and has thousands in it. theres none to very few bearings in it that are origional
its a great deal, guys.
i even built a skidplate for it.
heres it the other day before its monthly checkup/rebuild.
i cleaned everything up and got everything freshened up, ready for sale