Not to step on yama98's toes, I would just like to voice my opinion as well
I haven't been on here long but what I have learned is invaluable. I have got a lot of good advice and to be honest if not for this forum I would not be where I am today. But there is one thing that bothers me, the 30/300 restriction on the for sale and wanted sections. Let me make it clear, I understand fully that it is there for a reason for this, it keeps the spammers out, etc. But it causes a problem
So, John Doe buys a blaster that needs a top end rebuild. He comes on, and first asks for advice on what to do. After posting pictures he is informed he will need a jug. Now in an ideal situation he would go over to the want section and post for one, but he can't do that yet, So what ends up happening is John and others end up posting essentially wanted ads in the tech sections. This makes it hard for people trying to read up on how to do stuff. I don't blame the people doing it nor do I point a finger at anyone, because really its the only option. Should John be allowed to post a want ad? I think so.
I have a couple Ideas.
One is just lowering the post count. If it was 30 for regular members and 0 for supporting members, that would be a good compromise.
Another idea would be making it a time period, say a week on the forum before you can post, that should give enough time to filter out any spam.
Another is to leave it as-is, but instead of banning people with less than 30/300, making it to where they have to submit their ad through a mod/forum/etc. and it will be screened before posting.
My last idea is to leave it as-is for sale, but allowing posting immediately in wanted. It seems we get a lot of people looking for stuff when they sign on and i think this would help.
Again, this is a great forum and a wonderful resource. I have enjoyed being here and plan to stay here a great while longer. I just wanted to give some feedback on the situation. Everybody behind the scenes, keep up the good work
I haven't been on here long but what I have learned is invaluable. I have got a lot of good advice and to be honest if not for this forum I would not be where I am today. But there is one thing that bothers me, the 30/300 restriction on the for sale and wanted sections. Let me make it clear, I understand fully that it is there for a reason for this, it keeps the spammers out, etc. But it causes a problem
So, John Doe buys a blaster that needs a top end rebuild. He comes on, and first asks for advice on what to do. After posting pictures he is informed he will need a jug. Now in an ideal situation he would go over to the want section and post for one, but he can't do that yet, So what ends up happening is John and others end up posting essentially wanted ads in the tech sections. This makes it hard for people trying to read up on how to do stuff. I don't blame the people doing it nor do I point a finger at anyone, because really its the only option. Should John be allowed to post a want ad? I think so.
I have a couple Ideas.
One is just lowering the post count. If it was 30 for regular members and 0 for supporting members, that would be a good compromise.
Another idea would be making it a time period, say a week on the forum before you can post, that should give enough time to filter out any spam.
Another is to leave it as-is, but instead of banning people with less than 30/300, making it to where they have to submit their ad through a mod/forum/etc. and it will be screened before posting.
My last idea is to leave it as-is for sale, but allowing posting immediately in wanted. It seems we get a lot of people looking for stuff when they sign on and i think this would help.
Again, this is a great forum and a wonderful resource. I have enjoyed being here and plan to stay here a great while longer. I just wanted to give some feedback on the situation. Everybody behind the scenes, keep up the good work