For Sale/Wanted Restrictions


New Member
Feb 2, 2012
Not to step on yama98's toes, I would just like to voice my opinion as well

I haven't been on here long but what I have learned is invaluable. I have got a lot of good advice and to be honest if not for this forum I would not be where I am today. But there is one thing that bothers me, the 30/300 restriction on the for sale and wanted sections. Let me make it clear, I understand fully that it is there for a reason for this, it keeps the spammers out, etc. But it causes a problem

So, John Doe buys a blaster that needs a top end rebuild. He comes on, and first asks for advice on what to do. After posting pictures he is informed he will need a jug. Now in an ideal situation he would go over to the want section and post for one, but he can't do that yet, So what ends up happening is John and others end up posting essentially wanted ads in the tech sections. This makes it hard for people trying to read up on how to do stuff. I don't blame the people doing it nor do I point a finger at anyone, because really its the only option. Should John be allowed to post a want ad? I think so.

I have a couple Ideas.

One is just lowering the post count. If it was 30 for regular members and 0 for supporting members, that would be a good compromise.

Another idea would be making it a time period, say a week on the forum before you can post, that should give enough time to filter out any spam.

Another is to leave it as-is, but instead of banning people with less than 30/300, making it to where they have to submit their ad through a mod/forum/etc. and it will be screened before posting.

My last idea is to leave it as-is for sale, but allowing posting immediately in wanted. It seems we get a lot of people looking for stuff when they sign on and i think this would help.

Again, this is a great forum and a wonderful resource. I have enjoyed being here and plan to stay here a great while longer. I just wanted to give some feedback on the situation. Everybody behind the scenes, keep up the good work :)
All a person has to do is pay $10 bucks for the whole year and have 30 posts, to buy/sell, not unreasonable by no means IMO.

However I understand your point, and agree somewhat, that if "john' can fix and buy his stuff here whao is losing out??

The other thing is you can always email/Pm the seller, and work it that way!

Lastly no need for change all is good!
I could see making it a little easier to post to the wanted section. But in all reality paying 10 dollars to support this site is dirt cheap for the amount of info you can get, on top of that the tuning support is there once it is together. Not a replacement for a manual, but talking to those who have experience is not usually so cheap
i agree, posting in the want ads shpould be easier

although.........same as the craigslist scams, the buyer can file a paypal case saying he never recieved the parts, and/or they were damaged, he gets the parts and the loot refunded from paypal,
our good standing sellers on here are out parts and money.
a tracking # provided thru paypal, or signature required, eliminates the "did not recieve" scam
but the "damaged goods" scam still is an option
so, as it is, seems to be working......
pay the $10 and reply to 30 posts over the course of a day or so,
not all that restrictive IMO
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i agree, posting in the want ads shpould be easier

although.........same as the craigslist scams, the buyer can file a paypal case saying he never recieved the parts, and/or they were damaged, he gets the parts and the loot refunded from ebay, our good standing sellers on here are out parts and money.
a tracking # provided thru paypal, or signature required, eliminates the "did not recieve" scam
but the "damaged goods" scam still is an option
so, as it is, seems to be working......
pay the $10 and reply to 30 posts over the course of a day or so,
not all that restrictive IMO

That's a real good point. It's a shame that you have to always worry about scams.
If your worried about the rules for the wanted section then your a quick in and out guy just getting what you want and your gone.
The overwelming odds are you are a scammer. If your not then be pissed at the scammers that ruined it for you.
Paying the $10 or actually contributing to the forum is the way to go B)
I paid my $10 because it would take me forever to get to the 300 post count. I have been here awhile and I mostly research, I don't talk a lot. If you really need something or really want to sell something use pm's to the seller/wanted ad, or pay the $10 and get over it.
Im not really sure how paypal works but ive heard if you send as a "paypal gift" it cant be returned, however im not sure as i dont use it i get my dad to do it :P another idea ive heard is a bank transfer... anyway ill just rack up 300posts somehow lol :P
The rules are there for good reasons.Us members voiced our opinions on this awhile back and changes were made. There has been alot less scammers/spammers than before.I used to see people get taken for money here every other month. I seen a new member come on a few years back and sell a motor and a bunch of blaster stuff. He took in over $600 and never shipped anything and never to be seen again. The rules should stay in my opinion.As stated before a membership will cure your frustarations.
Decided to part out my race blaster. but am shy a few hundred post. haha

how do i go about paying the 10$ fee? is it via credit card or paypal...
any help would be great!
yeah...the 10 dollars is cheap...i mean all is you do is say wats wrong and instant answers right away...think of a mechanic doing would be more than 10 dollars lol yeah keep up the good work guys...