FMF Powercore exhaust


New Member
Mar 22, 2011
San Antonio Tx.
just a quick question on some opinions, I have an fmf powercore exhaust on my blaster and it is obnoxious loud, Not that it is bad but I want to use it on my property when deer season comes around and dont want to be a bother to the animals and scare them away. I want to repack the canister bcuz it seems there is no packing at all in it right now. Is this a bad idea, Will it hurt performance any and how much should I put into it if I do it. Only familiar with race bikes and this is my first blaster and it was bought used with the exhaust on it. I previously had a beartracker 4 stroke.
Thanks, Just repacked it. The original packing was maybe 2 inchs left and burned to almost nothing. Sounds unbelievably different now much quitier.
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