the other day i noticed the head gasket was leaking on my 04, so i put a new one on it, the top end needs to be rebuilt low comp, and its very hard to start, when i can finnally get it started it wont idle an when it revs up it dont wana come back down, so i went ahead and order new seals, but when i pulled the flywheel off the key broke, it had a degree key, everytime ive pulled it with the degree key they break and i dont have another one or the stock one, i also have a couple of banshees so my ques is will a banshee key or anything else fit it? i have a yamaha honda suzuki and polaris dealer close by but the yamaha shop doesnt keep much 2 stroke stuff in stock so will a key from anything else work? so i dont have to wait till i order one to put it back together. thanks for any help.