flywheel key...


Sep 5, 2012
the other day i noticed the head gasket was leaking on my 04, so i put a new one on it, the top end needs to be rebuilt low comp, and its very hard to start, when i can finnally get it started it wont idle an when it revs up it dont wana come back down, so i went ahead and order new seals, but when i pulled the flywheel off the key broke, it had a degree key, everytime ive pulled it with the degree key they break and i dont have another one or the stock one, i also have a couple of banshees so my ques is will a banshee key or anything else fit it? i have a yamaha honda suzuki and polaris dealer close by but the yamaha shop doesnt keep much 2 stroke stuff in stock so will a key from anything else work? so i dont have to wait till i order one to put it back together. thanks for any help.
Don't have an answer for the key, but you could do the stator mod which allows you to rotate the stator to advance timing, I've done it. As to the advance key, I have one on the Banshee and NEVER have had a problem with it.

Consider lapping your flywheel to crank before you put it back together.
it has been sitting a long time and it was corroded kinda bad, ima clean it all up before i put it back, ive just been working on my banshee and building a friends blaster so havent had time for mine, when i bought it i did a few things to it then heard they were guna stop making the banshee so i had to go get one, a 05, then spent all my time and money on it weisco pistons, toomey kit, v force 3 reeds, graphics, tires, then bought a 01 banshee that was completely fried and put money in it, still not done, but ima go back to the blaster for now, get a toomey kit, v force 4 reeds plan on the adjustable stator, wheel spacers and longer swingarm, then ive got a 91 blaster im goin to make a beast out of, then me and a friend are going to put a yz 250 in another 04 model i have, were guna make a banshee killer!
didnt think it would, o well thats my luck, guess i jus need to go ahead and order a few then.

BUT, if you haven't already figured it out, you can use a Banshee flywheel puller on a Blaster! lol I:I

Yeah, I'd just order the right key, and keep a spare or two around.

On a side note, do you know how to do a 2-stroke leakdown test? I know you said your engine was about fried, but this test is essential for any Blaster or Banshee engine at least once a year...