Fitted a 55w Halogen spotlight!


New Member
Oct 7, 2008
South Africa
Hi guys I got tired of riding at night with the sh*tty factory light, so I ripped it of and fitted a 55w Hella Comet 500 I had laying around. NOW I can see at night! I also removed the light switches and fitted a deadman killswitch. Only thing is I did not connect my taillight in fear of blowing my electrics, how many watts can the blaster's wiring handle?

BTW, wanted to attach a pic, but cant get it to upload from the PC(200x150, 13.8kb)
Well please let me know when you did this and whether it worked, would like to connect my taillight but I'm scared of frying my lighting coil!!
if your running 55 watts then the super low watage of the tail light isnt going to burn out your stator any faster than just the single 55 watt bulb.
I think the stator max is 50 or 55w. I put these on then bought 2 20w bulbs and it works great.
Wait, you are telling me that my picture is not me,,, ok, just like I ask god every Sunday, Who am I? Do I need to post pics of me riding it.
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Hey scoobyj, why dont you try to be nice out here. I think if you read the rules you need to be nice and not make comments like that and go to peoples sites and make rude comments there too. So knock it off or get reported. Thanks.