first harescramble

can't wait to hear the results. hopefully you have some pics of that quad COMPLETELY covered in mud/grass/everything else you can get on it through the course of the race
????? dont go all out ????? why race if your not trying to win? if you just want to ride, go out and ride some trails with your buddys! lol, dont try to win!!! thats funny!I:I
Harescrambles dont have a certain amount of laps, they are like enduros, race for 2hrs and whoever crosses the finish line first after the 2hrs are up is the winner!!! sorry, i thought you were saying not to go all out the whole time!
i don't think that's what he was saying at all.....he was saying don't ruin your race in the first 10-15 minutes of the race by wearing yourself out

ahhhh ok you already fixed it lol
????? dont go all out ????? why race if your not trying to win? if you just want to ride, go out and ride some trails with your buddys! lol, dont try to win!!! thats funny!I:I

i think reedracing knows alot more about racing then you sense you have only ran one race but anyway YB just try and finsh the race and have fun with it, its your first race, just try to finish it and GOOD LUCK
Never will I forget my first race, I have the pics somewhere on a server somewhere... It was a HS and in the second lap I got in the zone and locked the front brakes up going down this STEEP ass incline on my old 416ex... Broken tibia fibula and a f'd quad... Moral of the story, like reed said... go at ur own pace.. you'll learn from your mistakes I know I sure as hell did. Hope ya win broI:I
Liike REED said... Go 50-70% for the 1st 2/3 of the race... That way you have some left over for the end... My boys would pass alot of guys late in the race because they either wore themselves out or were not conditioned like my kids are... Its a good idea to wear a camelback since you will need to stay hydrated as much as possible.... And most important............................. Dont forget to go potty before the race ! ! !

Good luck guys !
Another thing REED does is wrap his thumb throttle and levers in hockey tape.... Keeps his thumb from slipping off the throttle, and his his fingers from slipping.