Just wanted to post some pictures, The blasty that is dark blue/yellow is the 250$ blaster off craigslist. The blue blaster was bought for 500$ off craigslist also. Dark blue is a 95 and the royal blue is an 01.. We took the top end off the 95 and stuck it on the 01, put the exhaust on it, tires ( brand new bandland rears, brand new unknown fronts (haven't looked ) ), I will clean her up tomorrow and post some better pictures.. I am having a problem of the blaster reving out when I pull in the clutch and stuff. I also can't get it to idle, Unknown jetting, but it was piped with a B1 and toomey ttr silencer.. I have 2 sets of everything, one sec aftermarket, one set stock.. Going to try stock carb with stock jetting tomorrow. My cousin and his 300ex also.